A&A law office is a law office which provides the best inheritance lawyer services who have years of understanding and experience relating to the distribution of inheritance in accordance with justice within either Islamic inheritance law, civil Inheritance law/western inheritance laws or Adat inheritance law. So as to avoid disputes that can be detrimental to the heirs both in terms of material and immaterial who will inevitably spend time, energy and finances to litigate in a court.

Because of that, inheritance disputes should be avoided by appointing and entrusting an inheritance lawyer who can provide certainty within the distribution of inheritance. A&A law office as inheritance lawyer, put forward a family approach to the resolution however, that does not condemn the possibility of taking the lawsuit pathway or determining inheritance though the courts if the distribution of inheritance is not in accordance with either Islamic law, the KUHP or Adat law.

A&A law office is a law office which provides services for inheritance lawyer who have helped many of our clients get justice on the distribution of inheritance with a family settlement as well as settlement through the court route. The presence of inheritance attorneys should be able to minimalize the existence of disputes or conflicts between heirs, so that to minimalize the expenditure of energy, thoughts and financials by the inherited heirs.

You can also contact A&A Law Office to communicate with our lawyers.

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