A & A Law Office

We take care of your legal needs

Explore What We Are Doing Better

Our law firm handles various topics professionally

Civil / Private Law

We handle civil law / private law through non-litigation or litigation

Family Law

We are expert on the family law which is prevailing in Indonesia’s territory including for the foreign matter one.

Busines Law

We are expert on Business Law as well, we have legal expertise on the bankruptcy, intellectual propery, trademark, and so on.

Foreigner Law

We handle foreigner law which related to the visa, domicile, establishment of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) / PMA and etc.

Our office is strategically positioned in multiple locations

We Will Assist You In Any Issue And Conflict

Save time by letting us handle your case instead of doing it yourself

Learning About All Your Legal Issues

We carry out analysis to your legal issues comprehensively


Pair You Up With The Perfect Attorney

We assign the lawyer which suit to your case


Fight For You In Court

We fight on the court as your legal representatives

What Our Clients Say About Us”?

Anya Todorova

Adham, I am extremely pleased with the level of professionalism and expertise you have brought to clever solution as our land dispute Attorney. It can be difficult at times representing seven people who can have different ideas and different ways of expressing themselves. You have always handled yourself with diplomacy and tact while, at the same time, protecting the interests of the clients. I would wholeheartedly recommiend you and your law firm to any municipality, business or individual in need of your legal advice. Thank you for the effort you put forth on the my family behalf.

Magellan SRB

If you ever need a lawyer, look no further! Not one, or two persons, but the whole staff in the office is ready to help at any time. I would give them 10 stars if I can. This guys are amazing and got me out of a big trouble on the court. You won’t regret any rupiah for the service they provide. Thank you all for your help!

Geoffroy Toussaint

Adham est un avocat vraiment atypique et très professionnel, entouré d’une équipe formidable qui ne compte pas ses heures. Il a monté ma PT-PMA en un temps record, il m’a aidé à tout monter de A à Z et m’a fait profiter de son grand réseau pour m’aider à créer et développer mon entreprise. Sincèrement merci pour tout, et biensur nous continuerons à nous voir, toutes mes amitiés 🙏

You deserve representation from our top-tier lawyers

With 10+ years of experience

Adham Hasan Hagaspa, S.H., M.H., CTL., CLI

Muhammad Arif Hartavian, S. H., M.H

Abdul Wahid, S.H., M.H

Riandy Aryani, S.H

Legal Insights

Obtain valuable legal insights through comprehensive case studies and analyses provided by A&A Law Office.
  • Pendahuluan Pada tahun 2021, sistem hukum Indonesia menghadapi gelombang kritik dan kemarahan publik menyusul putusan kontroversial dalam kasus Toni Tamsil. Toni Tamsil, mantan politisi dan anggota DPR, dijatuhi hukuman yang relatif ringan meskipun dinyatakan bersalah atas kejahatan berat. Artikel ini […]
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  • Pada tanggal 11 Desember 2018 yang lalu Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menetapkan perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 29 Tahun 2017 tentang Perizinan Pada Kegiatan Usaha Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) dilansir dari situs resmi www.esdm.go.id. Pasal 1 Peraturan Menteri […]
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  • Dalam beberapa waktu terakhir kita mendengar kabar beberapa orang yang sedang melaksanakan profesinya terpaksa berhadapan dengan proses hukum mulai dari advokat yang sedang melaksanakan tugas profesinya namun kemudian dipandang oleh penyidik sebagai upaya menghalang-halangi proses hukum yang sedang berjalan, proses […]
  • Istilah pailit sering dikira serupa dengan bangkrut. Perusahaan dinyatakan bangkrut apabila memiliki kondisi keuangan yang tak sehat dan akhirnya mengalami kerugian yang sangat besar. Karena tak mampu untuk menutupi kerugian, perusahaan yang bangkrut biasanya akan menutup usaha mereka. Sementara itu, […]

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